And anything that feels forced to you as a woman, WILL feel forced to a man around you... who (especially if he is quality man) will see right through it. He'll feel he can't be himself, he can't let loose, he doesn't feel emotionally safe.

Projecting an image means we are driving, we are in doing mode, in forcing mode, we have an agenda, it is controlling… which means it is masculine energied in nature and origin.

Feminine energy is all about the polar opposite, the freedom a soul feels when it is truly at home and secure and free in itself,  not projecting an image, it is BEING ITSELF in freedom, self-acceptance and love.

A feminine woman (or a woman in touch with her feminine core and energy) knows how to  set herself free from any image and goes into all parts of her, including her shadow and darker aspects. She isn't shocked at these aspects of herself, some of which are wounded and hurting, some of which are dark and unpretty, rather she creates intimacy with them, gets to know them, accepts them as a part of her and leads them not to perfection, but to wholeness...powerful wholeness.

She develops healthy ways of relating, accepting and understanding all these parts of her—and then, as it always happens...

She is with a man who can't believe how comfortable she is with herself—and how just by being around her, his soul is emerging, his soul is coming up to be seen by him in the power of a woman in her High Value relationship to her own self, and in her Feminine.

Then he begins to open up—he begins to feel in his being that all parts of himself will be accepted and known here… and by accepted I don't mean enabled, I mean he won't be judged for having them…

Our goal as women is not to put on an image or repress aspects of ourselves—it is to develop a healthy relationship with all parts of ourselves and through healthy relationship become whole as we reclaim every part of our unique being and self as embodied women. Then we create that space with a man who won't believe he's found the level of intimacy he has always deeply craved with a woman- the one he’s been searching for in other perhaps more surface level outlets.

Substance attracts devotion.

This has been one of our biggest secrets to success with our clients and their men and the committed relationships they attract. I've seen the dramatic effect it has on them first hand and through clients whom I teach to embody this. The impact of this in on all of your life, and your love life, is in and of itself is incredibly powerful.

You are always loved,

- Gio

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